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“Gather Ye Rosebuds While You May”

The end of May is upon us. The year is nearly half over. What did I spend time on? My to-do list never seems to get shorter. Part of that is because I have some extensive projects this year. Reclaim my flower beds, revise my upcoming novel, develop a social media platform, and prepare for a gathering of the Comstock clan. Their last gathering was at a funeral, and now everyone seems ready to gather for a happier occasion.

Late spring’s plants are blooming; my little gem magnolia’s blossoms fill the air with their sweet scent. My pink hydrangea I kept in a pot for several years and babied since the move three years ago is blooming and looks healthy. I’ve planted my small vegetable garden. Nothing much, just a few tomato plants, cucumbers, zucchini, and yellow squash. I love these vegetables fresh from the garden. The reclamation of my flower beds continues. The author’s life continues as I edit/revise, write, and post. I adjust my to-do list to accommodate spending time with my family.

That being said, I consider myself most fortunate to enjoy good health and to have a loving, supportive family. I can do the things I want. Retirement has given me the flexible schedule I longed for when I was working. Yes, even in retirement, I have a planner and a schedule. The planner helps me focus on goals and a loose schedule is good for my mental health. Upon reflection, my to-do list isn’t stagnant. Each of the projects is moving along. I work at implementing some of my “lessons”: having patience with myself and giving myself grace. Although I’m no longer a young maiden, as those addressed in Robert Herrick’s poem, I still have flowers to gather.

A Crazy Quilt Life is available here on my website, Writing | Sherry Comstock, Author. I’m also active on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as Sherry Comstock, Author. To receive my monthly newsletter, sign up at the bottom of my website’s home page or email me at As always, I enjoy hearing from you.

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