December is upon us. That magical time when children dream of sugar plums, school vacation and snow. For me it’s time for summing up the year, the taking stock of my endeavors over the year. I’m actually pretty happy with my efforts this year. That hasn’t always been the case, but I’ve been working at giving myself grace.
Looking Back Over The Year
I’ve spent time with my family. I watched a grandson play baseball and soccer and pulled out the craft box to help my granddaughters create things with cardboard, felt and all sorts of trim. There were birthday parties for the rambunctious times and cozy reading for the quiet times.
Traveling from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, Florida and here in North Carolina thirty Comstocks gathered in our home for a weekend. The weather cooperated for most of the weekend, although we did have a thunderstorm and all the preparations for eating outdoors were of no avail. Still, people found a seat indoors and enjoyed the food and company.
Against the Tide, my first novel, made its debut in November. Along with some of my fellow Burlington Writers Club authors, we had a booth at the Saxapahaw Holiday Market the first weekend of December. The whole process has been such an exhilarating and humbling experience. The more I learn about writing, publishing, and marketing a novel, the more I realize there’s so much I don’t know.
Keeping it Real
Do I live a perfect life without problems? Of course not. My husband and I face the challenges which come with getting older and living on a fixed income. No longer can we take on extra hours or push to get another contract when unforeseen expenses pop up. Everything I try to do seems to take longer than it used to. I no longer have the stamina that once carried me through double shifts as a nurse and then to one of my children’s games. Even as I say these things, I think of how fortunate I am. I have a loving family, good friends, a warm home in a good neighborhood, more than enough food and a hobby which keeps my mind active.
As I look forward to spending the holidays with my children and grandchildren, I smile and think life is good today. This is not a Pollyanna approach, ignoring the less than optimum facts of my life, but rather a conscious effort to see the good each day brings me. Somedays I have to work a little harder to see the good of a particular day. But I have found this outlook has done wonders for my mental health. This is my hope for everyone: May you be able to see the good in each day and have a season filled with love, hope and peace.