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Finding Joy on A Rainy Spring Day


Blossoms from my early spring bulbs faded weeks ago. The wild violets I allow to run rampant through the flower beds have reached the leafy leggy stage which means they’ll need to be thinned out and removed from the base of my roses which fill the view from my desk with shades of white, yellow and red. Irises present as large clumps with browned

blossoms. Spring is rapidly moving into summer here in North Carolina.

Still each day brings a new revelation along with a smile. Purple coneflowers have returned with strong healthy plants sporting buds that will blossom in the coming weeks. The special rudbeckia has bloomed with its vibrant brown tinged flower. While my red single petal peony has bloomed and faded, the pink old timey multi-petal one is just now putting on its show. Yesterday’s rains bent the stem of one blossom to its breaking point. Rather than waste its beauty, I dodged raindrops, clipped the flower, and brought it inside.

Then I faced a conundrum. What vase do I own that’s fitting for this beauty? Most of my vases are more suitable for bunches or a very light single blossom. I eventually settled on a vintage forest green vase whose color was at least reminiscent of its shrubs dark green leave. Okay, at least it’s not being pelted by the rain. But this will not win any floral arranging prize.

Over the course of the day and evening, I watched the blossom open further into a ball of pink cotton candy. Then I saw its resemblance the tissue flowers I made as a child to give to my mother. Back then we could buy pastel colored facial tissue. Another reason I love my flower gardens is because they are filled with plants which trigger a memory of days gone by. Not a surprise since most plants were chosen because they remind me of someone. These memories don’t elicit melancholy, but rather a sense of gratitude for my wonderful family and friends.

  I’m thankful I’ve been given the time to spend with those important to me and pursue hobbies that give me a sense of purpose. I believe one of the best lessons I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is the realization that everything is not a race, somethings we do just because they bring us joy. May you find joy today.

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